We must work together to empower one another, become successful and succeed.
You have a voice, use it!
We inspire girls to become better versions of themselves and to find their true identities. We want to help them understand that when they feel insecure, they are not alone. Our hope is to prepare girls for the future and set them up for success by staying positive and motiving them each step up the way. Because we. are striving for the same goals of success, it is necessary that we empower and lift up one another to ensure this success.
About Me
My name is Avery Fardad and I am a a high school student who is very passionate about empowering other women to be the best version of themselves. My goal is to encourage them stand up for what they think is right. By doing this, we can create a positive environment in which we can all strive in.
Book List:
Ain’t I A Women? (1981) by Bell Hooks
The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women (1991) by Naomi Wolf
I Am Malala (2013) by Malala Yousafzai
Men Explain Things to Me (2014) by Rebecca Solnit
We Should All Be Feminists (2014) by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Women’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote (2018) by Elaine Weiss
Bossypants (2011) by Tina Fey